Sunday, March 20, 2016

Circle B Bar

I get to spend just a few days here each year.  It's such a magical place to me.  I sometimes wonder if I had access to this place on a daily basis would it still be as magical to me.  Somehow I think it would.  I belong to a FB group where people post happenings and photos from Circle B all year long.  Everyday I ooh and ah over those postings.  Finally last week it was my turn to be there in person for 5 days straight.  This was my sight each morning as I arrived at 7:30 AM.  The sun would just be coming up and I would be out there to witness it in all it's glory.  
I've never been on an African safari or a trip through the rain forest or the Alaskan bush (maybe someday),  so for me this is the most natural "wild" environment I've ever been to. The place is just teeming with wildlife.  And the landscape.... Did I mention the landscape?   It just amazes me that everywhere you look there's something beautiful to see.  Circle B Bar is a county owned park in Lakeland Florida.  It is approximately 1,300 acres.  I don't know the exact details of it's history but from what I understand it was a cattle ranch for many years.  Somewhere along the way the county obtained the land and turned it into a nature reserve.  It is free of charge to go there.  Photographers, bird watchers, fitness enthusiasts (you can even ride your bike there), families, young and old.... you name it, love this place. 
The two photos above show an Anhinga and a Blue Heron with fish they have caught.  The first few times I witnessed this I couldn't believe that they could gulp down such big fish.  And they do it over and over all day long.  I don't know where they put it.  It's quite entertaining to watch.  As with all the wildlife out there, they are excellent hunters.  I do not believe anything goes hungry out there.  
In addition to the wildlife and landscape, I really enjoy the people at Circle B as well.  Everyone is just as excited to be there as you are.  They stop along the trails and tell you something wonderful they just witnessed, or they ask you questions.  I met an Australian family walking in as I was walking out.  It was their first visit...  "Will we see Alligators???!!!".  I informed them that "Yes, they most definitely would".  You should have seen how they light up with excitement.  I smiled all the way back to the parking lot.  I would have missed this photo above has it not been for a nice lady pointing him out to me.  I walked right past him with my head down looking for alligators.  On my last morning there I had the pleasure of walking down one of the trails with a gentlemen who told me his favorite stories of Circle B over his many years of coming there.  People just love to share.  
This is a Wilson's Snipe.  I have to admit, I had never even heard of a Wilson's Snipe but evidently he's a big deal.  Again, it was the kindness of a stranger there that turned me onto him.  And word spread quickly as I saw quite a few birders anxious to get to him.  It's just so much fun to get wrapped up in the excitement there.  
You can hardly go a few feet along any water edge without seeing an alligator.  They don't do much but sun themselves.  About the most action I saw out of an alligator was one swimming along.  I have seen others post photos of huge alligators waddling across the trails but I didn't get lucky enough to witness that.  I came across this baby alligator on the trail edge.  He was out of the water and as soon as I approached him he scurried back into the water.  He was so dang cute, about a foot long.... I just wanted to kiss him, really I did!  From what I was told it's almost mating season for the alligators so large males are fighting for territories and mating rights.  I did hear a huge commotion in the water followed by two alligators bellowing.  Talk about an erie sound!  If I didn't know better I would have sworn it was lions roaring.  
Great White Egret's are so beautiful but a little more shy than the Great Blue Herron.  This was the best shot I got of him.  
Craig joined me for the first and second day at Circle B.  Craig gets the credit for pointing out this little Green Anole to me.  
I have to laugh when I look at this photo.  A couple stopped me on the trail and told me there was a huge snapper laying eggs along the side of the trail.  I tried to get details as to where she was.  All I got from them was "She's not very far on the left side".  So, I'm thinking a few hundred feet.  I'm searching everywhere for her.  After about a half mile I give up and think I must have missed her.  Finally, I came across her about a MILE down the trail.  I guess "not very far" meant a mile to them... LOL.  
I love Pileated Woodpeckers.  We have them here is Michigan too and I do see them occasionally but I've never been lucky enough to get a decent photo.  Although this is only his head I was thrilled to get this shot.  
Red Shouldered Hawk.....  I had a gentlemen come up to me and tell me he just got a great shot of an owl.  He showed me the photo and I politely informed him that he had a Red Shouldered Hawk, not an owl.  He blamed it on his eyes  :-)  
This was the very first bird Craig and I saw.  I knew there was a Barred Owl family with two owlets from seeing all the postings on FB prior to our arrival.  This owl family has created quite the buzz out there.  Photographers are flocking there with their $10,000 lenses.  The park has the tree taped off but surprisingly you can get pretty close to them.  The owls were there in the same tree every day I was there.  By far, this was the most majestic thing to witness.  There's just something about owls.  
These Black Vultures were at a boat landing just outside the entrance to the park.  The fishermen clean their fish and these vultures are always there to clean up the scraps.  There is a sign at the waters edge "Buzzard Beach".  Don't think I'll be swimming there.
I'm so grateful for these few days each year to experience some Florida sunshine, visit with my in-laws, and spend time at Circle B Bar.  Happy Happy Joy Joy!!!  

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Constant State of Gratitude

I was a nurse for nearly 20 years.  I worked in the OR as a urology scrub for 13 years and then as a office urology nurse for 6 years.  I'm grateful for those 20 years at a time when the kids were in school and college but this past fall the decision was made for me to leave my nursing 9 to 5 Monday thru Friday job.  It was a huge leap of faith and one that I fretted about literally for several years, always yearning to be at a different place in my life.   

Surprisingly, the fears that I had have proved to be fruitless.  And also, surprisingly, I've experienced a whole new outlook of gratitude.  Everyday I wake up I cannot believe that I am actually living this life.  It really has been a dream come true.  

My work is now focused on a hobby that has turned into a business.  I'm my own boss, can come and go as I please, decide on a whim what I want to do for the day, not worry about building up vacation time to take a day off.  

The best part is focusing more time and energy on the ones I love.  It's an absolute joy to cater to their needs, wether it be cooking great meals, running errands to help out, whatever may be.  

It's only been 3 months and when this first started it took weeks for my mind and my body to adjust.  I would wake up at 4 or 5 in the morning and in my half awake stupor I would be trying to think about what needed to be done at "work", was it nasty winter weather for the drive to "work", was it Friday yet??  I was still in a constant state of work anxiety.  Slowly, without knowledge, my body started to relax.  It really was a physical/mental transformation.  

Being home alone during the day (when I'm not out running around) I sing loudly, laugh out loud a thousand times a day.  It's the little things that I'm finding so much joy in.... Fresh clean sheets, making new curtains for our bedroom, learning to cook in a dutch oven, baking homemade bread, making sure the bird feeders are full, drinking tea everyday.....    It's been everything I had hoped for but what I didn't expect at all was the constant state of GRATITUDE.  It's amazing what that has done for my soul.  How grateful I am!

This beautiful creature is grateful that I'm home more too.  She's my little black shadow, my little black Olive.  
This past week I was able to go visit Jordan and spend 3 days with her.  It was my first visit in her new home since she got married 6 months ago.  She showed me the hospital where she works and showed me her beautiful side of the state.  We visited little towns, ate in quaint cafe's, shopped, cooked, watched movies.  A storm blew in when I was planning on driving home so I just stayed another day, which would not have been possible before... again so grateful.  
We visited a loose leaf tea shop.  Walked out with some amazing tea.... I'm enjoying a pot of coconut tea right now.  

It's the beginning of March which means we are that much closer to April, longer and warmer days.  I believe we have officially made it through winter (somewhat).  So many adventures are looming on the horizon, including a quick trip to Florida next week to visit my in-laws and visit my beloved Circle B Bar nature preserve for some photography.